Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Holding on can be painful. Holding on can directly contribute to stress, health complications, unhappiness, depressive thoughts, relationship problems, and so on. Yet, as human beings, we cling desperately to almost everything. We don’t like change, so we resist it. We want life to be the way we think it “should” be. We get attached to our fantasies…. even when they hurt us So how can we stop holding on? By realizing that there’s nothing to hold on to in the first place. Most of the things we desperately try to hold on to, as if they’re real, solid, everlasting fixtures in our lives, aren’t really there. Or if they are there in some form, they’re changing, fluid, impermanent, or simply imagined in our minds. Life gets a lot easier to deal with when we understand this. Imagine you’re blindfolded and treading water in the center of a large swimming pool, and you’re struggling desperately to grab the edge of the pool that you think is nearby, but really it’s not – it’s far away. Trying to grab that imaginary edge is stressing you out, and tiring you out, as you splash around aimlessly trying to holding on to something that isn’t there. Now imagine you pause, take a deep breath, and realize that there’s nothing nearby to hold on to. Just water around you. You can continue to struggle with grabbing at something that doesn’t exist… or you can accept that there’s only water around you, and relax, and float. Today, I challenge you to ask yourself: What are you desperately trying to hold on to in your life? How is it affecting you? Then imagine the thing you’re trying to hold on to doesn’t really exist. Envision yourself letting go... and just floating. How would that change your situation? Mull that question over carefully, and then remind yourself of why it’s time to let GO... When you let go, you allow yourself to make the best of what you’ve got. πŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸŒΈπŸ’πŸŒ±☘πŸ€πŸŽ„πŸŒ²πŸŒ³

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