Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Life is not all rainbows and butterflies.  It can be tough sometimes.  And you've paid a heavy price to get this far, so the best option is to really make it count by moving forward from where you are.  Free yourself from the world's negativity – from the sources of ignorance telling you what you can and cannot do – by promising to look ahead, to live ahead, and to get ahead.  In other words, start making positive promises to yourself!
Promise to fight back, to fight harder, to laugh louder and longer and slap adversity back into its seat whenever it dares to stand against you.  Promise to be a force to be reckoned with – because you are a force to be reckoned with.
Make these promises to yourself, and keep them forever. Repeat after me: "I promise..."

1.  "I will not hold the past against myself." – Your problems, your weaknesses, setbacks, regrets and mistakes teach you if you're willing to learn, or they will punish you if you're not.   So let them teach you, every day.  Take everything as a lesson learned.  If you regret some of the decisions you have made in the past, stop being so hard on yourself.  At that time, you did your best with the knowledge you had.  At that time, you did your best with the experience you had.  Your decisions were made with a younger mind.  If you were to make these decisions with the wisdom you have today, you would choose differently.  So give yourself a break.  Time and experience has a wonderful way of helping us grow and learn to make better choices today, for ourselves and those we care for. 
2.  "I will live a life that feels right to me, not one that looks right to everyone else." – Give yourself permission to follow the path that makes YOU happy.  And realize that some people in your life will refuse to walk beside you as you embark on this journey; they simply won’t approve no matter what you say, and that’s OK.  Sometimes when you commit yourself to creating your own happiness, it clashes with the perceptions of others.  Sometimes when you gain something great, you have to let go of something else.  And sometimes this ‘something else’ is a relationship that only wants you to do what they want you to do.
3.  "I will let go of relationships that are obviously not meant to be." – Most people come into your life temporarily simply to teach you something.  They come and they go and they make a difference.  And it’s OK that they’re not in your life anymore.  Not all relationships last, but the lessons these relationships bring to you do.  If you learn to open your heart and mind, anyone, including the folks who eventually drive you mad, can teach you something worthwhile.  Sometimes it will feel weird when you realize you spent so much time with someone you are no longer connected to, but that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.  You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.  We all are. 
4.  "I will not let any situation permanently steal my smile." – Even when times are tough, take a moment to pause and remember who YOU are.  Take a moment to reflect on the things that have real and lasting meaning in your life.  And then smile about how far you’ve come.  Honestly, nothing in this world is more beautiful and powerful than a smile that has struggled through the tears.  Any fool can be happy when times are easy.  It takes a strong soul with real heart to develop smiles out of situations that make us weep.  No matter how long it takes, it will get better.  Keep going.  Tough situations build strong people in the end.
5.  "I will keep stretching myself beyond my previous level of comfort." – Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing.  Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there.  Know this!  When you’re struggling, that’s when you’re growing stronger and smarter.  The more time you spend there, the faster you learn.  It’s better to spend an extremely high quality ten minutes growing, than it is to spend a mediocre hour running in place.  Every day, you want to practice at the point where you are on the edge of your ability, stretching yourself just a little more than before, making mistakes, stumbling, learning from those mistakes and stretching yourself even farther

Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Good Man vs. A Real Man

What’s the difference between a “good” man and a “real” man?

Many would say a “good” man is caring, responsible, honest, fair and puts other’s needs before his own.
At the same time, many would define a “real” man as someone who is strong, aggressive, takes charge, takes risks, and leads with authority.
I know these are bold stereotypes but I also know they hold some truth.
It was meant to be a trick question.
Why should there be a difference between a “real” man and a “good” man?
More importantly, what does it mean to be a real, good man in our modern world?
We rarely consider the changes men and boys are facing as women make well-deserved strides toward equality. Studies show that men are increasingly unhappy, unmotivated, and unsure of their role in society and individual relationships.
The world needs more real, good men that can lead by example.
This is why I am teaching a seminar for
Men Only this April 1-2 in Tiburon, California.
You can click here now to learn more. I also encourage you to forward this email to any men in your life that would benefit from the experience.
The entire weekend is focused on men’s core issues.
For some men, it’s their jobs. They know they’re meant for more, something greater, something fulfilling. That could mean starting a business, or just finding a new job. Or even negotiating a new salary at work.
For some men, it’s their romantic relationships. They lack a deep connection and feel lost or unsure in their current relationship. Some keep dating the wrong women, over and over.
It’s time for a change. It’s time to create the life that every man should have.
During this breakthrough experience, I will teach you:
How to find your purpose and reach your fullest potential
The secret to a passionate, sex-filled marriage
How to master your emotions and resolve conflicts
Natural ways to boost your testosterone
How you can help a woman balance her hormones
Methods for lowering stress at home and at work
I will create a place for men that is safe and respectful, yet challenging. They will be able to speak their truth, be vulnerable, air frustrations, share pain, and find a part of themselves they have been missing.
I will lead them through discussions that examine modern masculinity, accountability, leadership, and competition. We will explore authentic male emotions, conflicts and healthy power.
The group will be engaged to revisit their life history, resolve the past mistakes and connect to the potential that lies ahead. This entire weekend is the beginning of a new future that is full of purpose and intention.
Imagine a man waking up with excitement and inspiration each morning because he knows he is doing his life’s work.
Imagine a man having full confidence in his abilities and having no worries or anxiety about what he is doing and where he is going.
Imagine having a deep connection with your partner where you can feel appreciation and enjoy the best sex of your life.
Imagine a man having the wisdom and the inner strength to create the life he has always wanted on his own terms.
This seminar teaches men what it means to be a real, good man, every day, in every way.
When a man takes an active role in his personal growth, it not only helps himself, it benefits his family, his community, and the world.